Hi all - it sure is dark in here! I hope you brought your flashlights!

This is the first game I ever made. It's very basic, but I'm proud to actually having managed to finish a prototype, and share a home made game with the world for the first time ever. I also haven't touched Rust in ages, and it's my first time ever using Bevy.  The source code can be found here https://github.com/parchley/darkness-spreading, but it's not very pretty.

I haven't decided what to do with this prototype going from here, but I had lot's of fun with making it, and many ideas I didn't have time for. Among other's I didn't mean the only map to just be a big boring arena. Sorry.

It's dark, and something is happening all around you, but it's hard to see what it is. But it probably isn't good. The evil cubes are invading the world everywhere it's dark, and it's up to you to bring some much needed light to stop the evil meanie cubes from spawning.

- wasd
- space to fire
- ctrl to dash
- f to toggle flashlight
- g to spawn lamps (requires orbs)

Win condition:
There's no win condition implemented, but for the sake of the prototype I would consider it a win to stop the enemies from spawning, and to get the number of living enemies below 100.

Many things require energy to do, and will just silently not work if you're lacking energy. Genius :D Also, dashing against the borders of the arena isn't recommended. :P

Various bugs: I never meant to build this as wasm, but I had trouble making release builds for Windows and Linux, so now it ended up like this. I also couldn't get my character to load, so it was replaced by a boring capsule. The tutorials/hints are also very buggy, and incomplete. Sorry. If anybody wants to help please reach out to me. <3


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